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  • Coane and Associates,PLLC 3:06 pm on April 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    USA-Mexico Border: Immigration Enforcement 

    The attached video is from my live broadcast at the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico on April 23.2017. This Houston immigration lawyer discusses immigration enforcement and some changes under the Trump administration.

    In particular, I discuss the fact that Homeland Security and ICE have said that they plan to arrest and detain anyone who is out of status, even if they have a case pending or an extension pending. While they claim that such cases are not a priority, they have said that if they come across such individuals they will be arrested and detained. Moreover, from my own experience and those of my colleagues, we have observed that ICE is not granting bonds to those detained. That means that such detained individuals will sit in immigration jail for 2-4 weeks, or longer, until a judge sets bond.

    For further information, I may be reached at bruce.coane@gmail.com or at 713.850.0066 or 305.538.6800. http://www.coane.com

  • Coane and Associates,PLLC 8:09 pm on April 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    U.S. Isolation and Extreme Vetting 


    The United States, under President Trump’s leadership, is putting up walls against entry and travel. The president began with his infamous travel ban that discriminated against Muslims. He later followed by enforcing harsher Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rules. Thousands of people were detained at airports, searched, and questioned. The Trump administration is starting April by “updating” our vetting procedures. An article from the Wall Street Journal states that, “Foreigners who want to visit the U.S., even for a short trip, could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology”.


    His next wall against entry to the U.S. is literally a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico. This may take a while since that border is almost 2,000 miles long and because no one has volunteered to foot the bill. Along with the wall idea came an executive order that grew the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and made the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) more aggressive. The proceedings for deportations were also made quicker and in many cases people are deported without a fair trial or ever seeing a judge. Everyone who is not a citizen of the United States of America is at risk if they choose to travel here.

    • TL Brown Law 5:07 am on April 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Extremely strict! But a wall to border Mexico? In his term, I doubt it would happen. Unless he has hidden magic to do it right away!

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